Thursday, November 24, 2005

Pseudo Secularism In India

Few pertinent questions which might be troubling you as well :-

1) Why are all terrorists muslims? If terrorists are driven by mercenary motives , then why do only muslims fall for it?

2) If they are brainwashed how come the previlege of being brainwashed is extended only to moslems?

3) Why is ISLAM a party to all the troubles in the world right from Kashmir to Chechnya. From Palestine to Afghanistan . From Denmark(most recent) to London to NY.

4) Why is it fashionable to be Pro-Muslim?

5) A simple parody of the HUTCH advertisement:
Yeh Batao Secularism ka matlab kya hota hai ? No favoritism for any particular religion hota hai ? Nahi Na . Main Batata hun. India Ka secularism ab bas pro-muslim pack mein.

6) Why do we cry ourselves hoarse over Gujarat when we are silent about Kashmir masaccre of pundits. Muslims in gujarat have been rehabilitated but the kashmiri pundits still live in deplorable conditions. Why is any government assisstance and succour not extended to them?

7) In the only state in India in which Muslims were a numeric majority , they have driven out all the Hindus and Sikhs. What are we doing to stop it from recurring in UP/BIHAR/BENGAL/KERELA. Demographics in these states is taking a turn for the worst.

8) Why was media silent when the muslims torched Sabarmati express?

9) Why is congress which allies with LJP secular whereas BJP and Sangh communal. LJP clearly campaigned in favour of a muslim CM . Is this secularism ?

10)When the country was partitioned and all Hindus/Sikhs driven out of pakistan , why did our leaders ( Gandhi & Nehru) ask the muslims to stay back? If pakistan for mussalmans then why is India not for Hindus?

11) Why doesnt the Govt. drive out the Bangladeshi muslims . They breed here and assisst terrorists and create law and order situations. They attack red fort and still are not driven out due to "VOTEBANK" politics.

12) Why is aligning with JAMAIT-E-ISLAMI and Indian Muslim League not communal? Due to the biased media I am sure half of you would ask what is Jamait-e-Islami?

13) Why have different laws for muslims when this is a secular country. Why does the govt pander to their whims and fancies ? why are there seperate laws for muslims??

14) Why so much of special treatment for HAJ pilgrims when there are not for pilgrims to Mansarovar . Why should the government sponsor their trips with taxes which people like us pay.

15) No other religion preaches hatred and intolerance against other religions. Sikhism suffered a lot under muslim rulers. Most of their Gurus and their followers were brutally massacred and butchered. Still Sikhism never preached hatred against Islam. Guru Gobind Singhjee drafted muslims in his army .Result: He was murdered in his sleep.

16) Do muslims have any other identity than ISLAM?

17) While all the world was united in condemning Taliban for destroying the BAMIYAN buddha statues, the Imam of Jama Masjid held the action right and Islamic .

18) Why have all muslim rulers plundered Hindu temples. Right from Ghori , Ghazni , Aibak to Aurangzeb?

19) Why is so there so much of hue and cry over Ayodhaya ? Muslims destroyed the ancient temple , the very birthplace of Lord Rama and if Hindus have reclaimed what is rightfully theirs why is there so much of "Shor Sharaba" about it?
We always want to correct the wrongs committed in the past. Eg the wrongs against Jews by thte Nazis or the wrongs against blacks by the whites . Why is it that there is invariably no redressal of the wrongs committed against the Hindus?

20) Why is sacrifice and tolerance be expected only of Hindus ? Why should one particualr religion continue to bear the brunt of muslim brutalities inflicted upon it ? Why ask us to give up Ayodhaya and Mathura When they are OURS .

21) Are we Hindus spineless? Are YOU spineless? Do YOU take pride in your religion? Do you practice tolerance to such an extent where the line between tolerance and inaction/cowardice/apathy is not visible?


Anonymous said...

really a thought provking article....... dont know when india wud wake up.... its fashionable to be 'pseudo-secular' here...... blasting hindus seem to be a cornerstone

Rohit De said...

All Terrorists are Muslism?
Gee, no one told the Tamil Tigers or the Irish Republican army that.

Nemesis Of The State said...
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Anonymous said...

I have the same sentiments too, pal. If we Hindus cannot live peacefully in Hindustan, then where will we? The government is to blame all for all this shit. Muslims have been breeding like mice, increasing their population to match or outnumber ours. When that happens, you can picture the scene here in India. If a mere 12 crore muslims can cause so much damage to 80 crore hindus, imagine what will happen when they become equal to us..U remember the way Jayendra Saraswati (Shankaracharya) was treated? Can you think the gov has the balls to do the same to Imam of Jama Musjid who is a terrorist himself?

I have been thinking over these lines since I was 15, thats been four years now. I am thinking of doing something big, like capturing the power of the nation? I want dictatorship to come in India or if that is not possible - a Military rule. But a dictatorship seems to be a better option, then we can realise our dream of a Hindu Rashtra.


Anonymous said...

I have the same sentiments too, pal. If we Hindus cannot live peacefully in Hindustan, then where will we? The government is to blame all for all this shit. Muslims have been breeding like mice, increasing their population to match or outnumber ours. When that happens, you can picture the scene here in India. If a mere 12 crore muslims can cause so much damage to 80 crore hindus, imagine what will happen when they become equal to us..U remember the way Jayendra Saraswati (Shankaracharya) was treated? Can you think the gov has the balls to do the same to Imam of Jama Musjid who is a terrorist himself?

I have been thinking over these lines since I was 15, thats been four years now. I am thinking of doing something big, like capturing the power of the nation? I want dictatorship to come in India or if that is not possible - a Military rule. But a dictatorship seems to be a better option, then we can realise our dream of a Hindu Rashtra.


Anonymous said...

dude.. the important thing is to live your life well and show the principles that you are talking about through example.. evidently you are way too drunk on communal and religious sentiments and are deluding yourself. Hinduism is about tolerance and living your life well.. if you can't do that.. well.. good luck to you. the law of Karma is inexorable and impartial.

Anonymous said...

and dude.. you have comment moderation on.. shows how much you are open-minded and how afraid you are of being challenged..

Nemesis Of The State said...

@anonymous -->and dude Lo and behold!! Your comment is published but you dont leave ur name..:)

Anonymous said...

hello ppl!!
with all my respect to hindus n indians. u shld use a little bit of sense dat no religion can be judged on the basis of there followers if u wanna know the relgion read wat the scriptures say. And b4 naming any one terrorist we shld analyse the reson behind them doin such things, for ex: wen britishers wer ruling india and indians rasied for freedom we all call them freedom fighters telling they had no rites to rule over us but at the same time britishers use to call them terrorist. I hope u understand wat i mean.

Anonymous said...

well,its nice to read all these multicolord statements .here,i have something new to ponder.-
DHARM GRANTHAS are responsible for abnormalities.if u concentrate and absorb holy QURAN ,u will become stubborn and thick head.if u adopt bible your prime concern will be sex and food and dirty politics.and if u read more and more RAMAYAN or GITA then u will have a staunch faith in non-violence and will suffer from loggorhoea(irrelivent bla-bla-bla) to hide your weaknesses,...will blame your own fate for failures.
result?-you will become timid and spineless and opportunist
ENFERENCE-india badly needs a refined thought wave may be similar to naxalism preferably of MCC STYLE ...BUT WITH FULL RESPECT TO OUR OLD HINDU SANSKAR AND CULTURE.

Rajesh said...

after reading this blog, i felt like being taken back by some centuries. I can see that you are educated enuf to blog...but far too stupid to understand India..

India is defenitely not a land for Hindus alone...its a land for Humans, why don't we understand that we have been blessed with such a wonderful country which is so unique in the communal world?

Indians are Indians..there is no Hindu or Muslim here, please do not try to corner any community, else do not talk it in the context of my country. Its time we became proud of our country and start to enjoy the nation and its uniqueness.

Jai Hind

Swabhimaan said...

Hindus (inlcuding Jains and Budhists) who are tired of pseudo-secular governments and media are invited to join Swabhimaan - a movement launched to unite Hindus of India and protect their interests. For more details please contact