Monday, September 29, 2008

Islamic Republic of India

This is the what the preamble of the Indian constitution states:-

WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a SOVEREIGN SOCIALIST SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC and to secure to all its citizens:

JUSTICE, social, economic and political;
LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship; EQUALITY of status and of opportunity; and to promote among them all
FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation; IN OUR CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY this twenty-sixth day of November, 1949, do HEREBY ADOPT, ENACT AND GIVE TO OURSELVES THIS CONSTITUTION.

Nothing can be further from the truth. India today has become Islamic republic of India.Secularism means total independence of state and religion. In India it means just being pro-muslim. Anybody who knows anything about Indian politics today would know it for a fact that a "secular" party means a party which is against Hindu-Nationalists and would fight it tooth and nail to keep them away from power. Infact anybody who is sympathetic to the cause of Hindus/Sikhs is instantly dubbed as a "Right Wing Fanatic". However, these (pseudo) secularist find it decidedly convenient to hob-nob with the fundamental elements from the muslim community.UPA coalition which champions the cause of secularism in India has Muslim as one of its allies in Kerela !!! But ofcourse what else is secularism if not being pro-muslim?

Many of my friends and critics would accuse me of having a jaundiced vision ? I respect their views and am posting a few questions which I would like my "broad-minded & forward thinking" intellectual friends to answer. I would not censure any comments and would publish all.

Here are my questions:-

1. My first argument is based on two premises. a- India is a secular country and b- equality for its citizens. I can assume them to hold true given the fact that our constitution guarantees them.If these premises are true how come we have seperate rules for Jammu & Kashmir. Jammu and Kashmir has a seperate constitution , a seperate flag and constitution. When all the other princely states and regions have been fully integrated into the Indian union, why this aberration? Is it a co-incidence that Kashmir is a muslim majority state?

2. Why did we never have a Hindu Chief Minister in J & K when we have had a muslim chief minister in most of the other states ? Does it mean that the muslims are not broad minded enough to vote for a Hindu/Sikh? Statistics proof that muslim majority disctricts vote in a muslim candidate a whopping 97% of times. A coincidence?

3. This one irks me the most. Muslims get hajj subsidy to visit Mecca. They are provided heavily subsidised air tickets, free accomodation in Mecca and the best of medical facilities there.All funded by the tax paid by the Hindu Majority. There is even a special Hajj Terminal at the Indira Gandhi International Airport in Delhi .There are Hajj commities in all major Indian cities so that the muslims do not have to bear the inconvenience of travelling to the Metroes for paperwork.
What does the Indian government do for the Hindus and Sikhs? Nothing!!! The government could provide the Amarnath Shrine committee with enough land and shamelessly bowed before the kashmiri muslims. Sample this. Hindus get no subsidy for kailash mansarovar pilgrimage. The trek to the holy lake is difficult and the terrain is trecherous. Indian government which provides the best medical facilities to the Indian muslims during Hajj and flies in highly trained doctors to ensure it , does not provide Hindus even the basic medical facilities.

3. Indian government wants to lift the ban on SIMI !!! Need I say more?

4. Why are all terrorists muslims? I would broaden the scope of this questions as Islamic terrorism is not limited to India but is a world wide malaise now. Why are we in denial ? What do we not admit that India is grappling with this when most other countries around the world have taken a cognizance of the situation ?

5. This should have been the very first question? Inspite of having an overwhelming Hindu Majority why is India a pro-muslim country. I have already established that it is not secular.

6. Why do we go that extra mile in accomodating muslims. There are millions of illegal bangladeshi muslims in all major cities of India. Yet the government does not throw them out because they are muslims. These bangladeshi muslims have been instrumental in most of the bomb blasts in the past couple of years.

7. A gurudwaara was razed to ground in Pakistan and temples were demolished in kazakhstan.Indian government didn't even lodge a protest either in official forum or otherwise. However, the congress government was the among the first in the world to condemn the danish cartoons of the Mohammed in the strongest terms. And to think about it ,it wasnt even an Indian issue. The fact that muslims in India rioted in protest of the cartoons and killed and looted Hindus is another matter all together.

8. Why does the government always talk of gujarat riots and about burning alive of sixty hindus which were the immediate cause for the riots? Does it mean that government would rather have hindus as the victims ?

9. Why does the government take no steps to repatriate the Kashmiri Pandits. Kashmiri Hindus were thrown out of their own land. They still live in deplorable conditions with no succour from the government. It does not even condemn those riots. Why?
Take a look at this :

10. Why are anti-terror laws not implemented. The congress dubs them as "anti-minorities". There rests my case.

11. Finally

Why Do Muslims have a problem with Hindus ? Incidents allover India for over 1500 years bear witness to this fact.
Why Do muslims hate christians?
Why Do muslims hate the Jews?
Why Do muslims hate the Buddhists? Destruction of Bamiyan Buddhas
Why Do they hate Sikhs? Killed their Gurus and their children.

Any Answers?
If Islam is Indeed a peaceful religion , How come all terrorists are muslims (okay only 96 % yeah yeah I know)?

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Congress Policy for Minorities Vis-a-vis Sikhs & Muslims

I have been away from the blog scene for close to two years. Normally one would expect a lot to change in a stretch of time this long.But if I look , has it really ? Bomb blasts in all major cities of the country , corrupt politicians, decadent judicial system , rising inflation.Hell nothing has changed, at-least not for the better.

Congress government continues to do what it does best: Muslim Appeasement. I don't agree with the use of the term "minority-appeasement". There is no appeasement of the real minorities in India. A community which comprises more than sixteen percent of world's second most populous country is certainly not a minority community by any stretch of imagination. Congress government has pursued unabashedly a policy of Muslim appeasement and has totally detached itself from the needs and interests of the Hindus and Sikhs.

Congress calls itself the "vanguard-of-secularism" in India. Thats good enough for rhetoric, but lets see if they practice what they preach. A party ,which cries itself hoarse over the Gujarat riots and how Hindu fundamentalists have perpetrated atrocities on the helpless-and-peaceful Muslims in India, has a rather dubious record itself when it comes to secularism.

Congress carried out the worst ethic-cleansing pogrom witnessed in post-independence India. Congress workers ,with the support of the government, killed thousands of innocent Sikhs to avenge the death of Indira Gandhi. Many Sikhs were forced to flee from India to escape death, torture and persecution by the state. And this to the India's most patriotic community. Adding salt to the wounds of the Sikh community was Rajiv Gandhi's statement " When a large tree falls the earth is bound to shake". There has been no apology to the Sikh community either for destroying their holiest shrine or for the riots. Also it is curious to note that Jarnail Singh Bhindrawale was a rather unknown figure till Indira Gandhi decided to upstage the Akalis with his aid. There is no evidence to prove that Bhindrawale was going ahead with a plan for creation of seperate homeland for the Sikhs: Khalistan.And more perplexing question is why did the government order the Army to rage the temple when the army had already cut the supply lines of the militants. The terrorists could not lasted long without food and water.Yet the army was ordered to enter (and destroy) the Golden Temple.Congress government succeeded in scripting one of the darkest chapters of the Indian history.It took more than ten years and a countless number of innocent lives before normalcy returned to Punjab.Yet Congress is a secular party.

When it comes to Muslims, we see a policy which is totally different from the one that was adopted towards the Sikhs.Congress ,as is its wont, kept silent when more than sixty Hindus were burnt alive but started to cry itself hoarse when the Hindus started to retaliate. Sonia Gandhi called it a national shame and immediately asked for Modi's head.In all the ensuing mudsling and name calling, the victims of sabarmati express were consigned to the pages of "national reports" and faded into oblivion. India's constitution declares it to be a "secular nation". But is it secular in the real sense of the word ? It is a land where a muslim life is valued more than a Hindu/Sikh life.It is ironic that in a country of overwhelming Hindu majority , Hindus have become second class citizens. know many people would not believe this.The state has systematically undermined the constitution to favour one community against the others.